

Raden Adjeng Kartini, she was born in 21 April 1879 and died on 17 September 1904. She was a prominent Indonesian national heroine from Java. She was also a pioneer in the area of education for girls and women’s right for Indonesians.

She was Born into an aristocratic Javanese family in the Dutch east indies, now Indonesia, she attended a Dutch language primary school. She aspired to further education but the option was unavailable to her and other girls in Javanese society.

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Because she could speak Dutch, she acquired several Dutch pen friends. One of them, a girl by the name of Rosa Abendanon, became a close friend. Books, newspapers, and European magazines fed Kartini's interest in European feminist thinking, and fostered the desire to improve the conditions of indigenous Indonesian women, who at that time had a very low social status.

Kartini's concerns were not only in the area of the emancipation of women, but also other problems of her society. Kartini saw that the struggle for women to obtain their freedom, autonomy, and legal equality was just part of a wider movement. 

those who recognize the significance of R.A. Kartini argue that not only was she a feminist who elevated the status of women in Indonesia, she was also a nationalist figure with new ideas, who struggled on behalf of her people and played a role in the national struggle for independence. so, in 1964, President Soekarno declared R.A. Kartini's birth date, 21 April, as "Kartini Day”.

Kartini, has a book called “habis gelap terbitlah terang” this book contains / tells the life journey of R.A Kartini, and the letters she addressed to her sister and friends. The contents of the letters are about her ideals to advance women, her hopes and life journey.

“habis gelap terbitlah terang” also means that every human being will experience hard times, but there are also times when we will experience the happiest times in our life.

I chose R.A. Kartini because she inspired me. She`s a hero came to open a path to women emancipation in our country, Indonesia. And she became an inspiration for me in fight for our own place. 


1. Kartini was born in?
2. Why did Reggita chose kartini as her inspiration?
3. What does "Habis Gelap Terbitlah terang" tells you about?
4. What is the contenct of the letter that Kartini adressed to her sister and friends?
5. What is the meaning of "Habis GelapTerbitlah Terang"


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